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10 Amazing Manga That Ended Too Soon

10 Amazing Manga That Ended Too Soon
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A medium of boundless creativity and variety, the manga landscape is one where imaginative stories of all genres thrive, and even the most niche concepts find their devoted audiences. However, for all of its scale and range, the manga industry is known for being extremely competitive, as every new title has to battle for the readers’ attention. Most of the manga market is dominated by big-name series like One Piece or Demon Slayer, forcing newcomers to put extra effort into making a name for themselves and distinguishing their work from the crowd.

Regrettably, even series that succeed in showcasing their potential aren’t immune from coming to an abrupt and insufficient conclusion. Be it due to an unfair cancelation, a mangaka’s personal circumstances interfering with their work, or unknown behind-the-scenes tribulations, plenty of incredible manga series only get to enjoy a short life before disappearing indefinitely. Yet, while these titles didn’t get to have a satisfying ending, they had all the makings to reach remarkable heights.

A Shonen Jump newcomer that debuted just in 2022, Alien’s Area had a regrettably short run of just three volumes, the series’ abrupt cancelation leaving many fans devastated. A mix of exciting sci-fi fantasy, beautifully executed action, and hilarious character comedy, Alien’s Area is the story of Tatsumi Tatsunami, a hard-working orphaned boy who discovers that his arm contains a valuable piece of alien technology.

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