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10 Anime Romance Couples Who’d Make It in Real Life

10 Anime Romance Couples Who’d Make It in Real Life
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An anime couple doesn’t have to be realistic to be entertaining, and many aren’t healthy or realistic in the slightest. The couples that are so functional and well-written that they are both entertaining and realistic is a top tier combination. A plot, especially a romance plot, needs conflict and some drama to be interesting, but the drama doesn’t have to stem from a toxic couple.

Plenty of popular couples could easily be in divorce proceedings a couple of years after the anime’s finale. Some anime relationships are so sweet that fans easily envision them growing old together. These couples have a lot in common and communicate effectively.

Himuro first meets Fuyutsuki when he gets stuck on his commute to work in The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague. They have one of the most adorable and calmest meet-cutes in any romance anime. When Himuro gets nervous, his snow and ice powers get a little out of control, and he accidentally freezes himself in place on his way to work.

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