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10 Magical Girl Anime to Watch if You Love Sailor Moon

10 Magical Girl Anime to Watch if You Love Sailor Moon
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Popularity 30.84% 30.84%

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The magical girl anime (or mahō shōjo anime) is a type of fantasy anime that involves a girl — or group of girls — transforming into superhero-like counterparts to defeat evil, such as Usagi Tsukino transforming into Sailor Moon in Sailor Moon. These young women often have cute, frilly costumes, budding romance subplots, a coming of age journey, and adorable animal companions to aid them on their missions.

While Sailor Moon is largely considered one of the best and most popular magical girl anime shows ever, it’s by no means the only option out there. From other offerings such as Tokyo Mew Mew to The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies, audiences can rest assured that their favorite elements from Sailor Moon live on in other franchises.

After accidentally releasing the magical Clow Cards from their enchanted book, Sakura is tasked with retrieving them by Kero (short for Cerebus), the guardian of the cards. Each rampant card is magical, requiring Sakura to defeat its physical manifestation before collecting it. On her quest, she meets Syaoran Li and works with her best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji, to retrieve, master and safeguard these magical cards.

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