Cyberpunk Chrome New Tab

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Chrome NewTab Wallpaper Background Designed For Cyberpunk Fans. Make a Difference With Chrome Custom Design.
Install the Chrome extension specially designed for Cyberpunk fans. Greet you with a new Cyberpunk wallpaper every time you open a new tab. If you wish, you can fix the wallpaper you like. Enjoy Cyberpunk New Tab for Google Chrome. After installing the Cyberpunk Chrome extension, you will now have a special design.
Cyberpunk New Tab Features:
* It does NOT contain content that could endanger your security.
* Hey new tab wallpaper changes
* You can pin any of the wallpaper options
* Quick access with shortcut icons of the most visited websites on the left.
* Easy and fast Google Search
* Time and date
* Active / passive option from settings
* Adding notes and many more features are waiting for you.
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