Hunter x Hunter Creator Honors Dragon Ball With New Cover, Special Letter

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When fans call Dragon Ball one of the most influential stories of all time, they mean it. Decades ago, artist Akira Toriyama brought Son Goku to life, and the shonen genre changed before long. These days, the franchise has earned tributes from the best manga artists in the game, and now the creator of Hunter x Hunter is joining in.
Today, the Dragon Ball Super Gallery project posted its latest installment, and it features artwork by Yoshihiro Togashi. The artist of Hunter x Hunter was recruited to makeover a classic Dragon Ball cover, and Yoshihiro gave volume five a spin.
As you can see above, the Dragon Ball artwork is pretty much perfect. We are given a peek at Goku in a green gi as he navigates on Burma’s red motorbike. This image was featured in the original cover for volume five, but Yoshihiro added his own flair. After all, this updated cover adds Gon Freeces to the image, and that is pretty fitting everything considered.
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