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10 Best Dragon Ball Z Games On the PS1 & PS2, Ranked

10 Best Dragon Ball Z Games On the PS1 & PS2, Ranked
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There are many anime franchises that have been able to spin their popularity into successful runs in the video game industry, but few have become as omnipresent as Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball games have been in circulation since the ‘80s and some of the best modern fighting games are actually Dragon Ball titles like Dragon Ball FighterZ and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. There were many satisfying Dragon Ball games on the Super Nintendo and early gaming platforms.

However, the franchise really started to come into its own when it could take advantage of Sony’s more sophisticated hardware on the PlayStation. On the cusp of Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO’s release on the PlayStation 5 and other modern gaming consoles, it’s the perfect time to look back to Dragon Ball Z’s standout releases for the original PlayStation and PlayStation 2.

Dragon Ball Z: Sagas is significant for being the first home console Dragon Ball game to be made by a non-Japanese developer as well as the first Dragon Ball game to ever be released on the Xbox, which makes it all the more unfortunate that it’s such a lackluster effort. Dragon Ball Z: Sagas tries to do something different from a standard fighting game and instead opts for an action-adventure beat-’em-up formula that features linear combat. Players can rotate between melee, combo, and ki-based fighting styles as they blaze their way through hordes of enemies.

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10 Best Dragon Ball Z Games On the PS1 & PS2, Ranked
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