Gohan Staying the Hero of the Buu Saga Would Have Changed Everything About Dragon Ball Super

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The Buu Saga was intended to be very different from every previous arc of Dragon Ball, with Gohan as its main hero rather than Goku. As it was being written, however, Akira Toriyama determined that Gohan didn’t suit the role as well as his father did, and he quickly brought Goku back into the story. This decision led to Goku reclaiming the role of protagonist by the end of Dragon Ball Z, and continuing to be the series’ lead in Dragon Ball Super.
The side-lining of Gohan has always been a sore spot for fans, and the worst part is that Dragon Ball Super would be a superior series with Gohan as its hero. Just as Goku’s return in the Buu Saga quickly caused the story to become a disjointed mess, his continued presence in Dragon Ball Super — and specifically the way in which he’s written — has drawn significant criticism. With Gohan as its leading man, Dragon Ball Super could tell a tighter story with a true focus on the next generation of fighters.
The Dragon Ball Super anime has five main arcs: the Battle of Gods Arc, the Resurrection F Arc, the Universe 6 Arc, the Future Trunks Arc, and the Universal Survival Arc. None of these arcs would resemble what fans know them as, with Gohan as the protagonist in place of Goku. Assuming the Buu Saga still evolved from the story of Gohan’s wacky high school adventures as the Great Saiyaman into a fight to save the universe against Majin Buu, Dragon Ball Z would end with the young hero solidified as the most powerful Saiyan, and the strongest character in the series.
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